Before you or your child can be connected to services and supports, the person seeking services needs to be found eligible according to the requirements below. The initial request for eligibility can take place at any age, but eligibility must be redetermined at ages 3, 6, and 16.
While the Medina County Board of DD collects the information used for determining a person’s eligibility, the guidelines for the process are set by the Ohio Department of DD (DODD). The eligibility staff will assist you with filling out any needed paperwork and completing assessments to become eligible for services. We are here to help you through the process step by step and answer any questions you may have along the way.
Ages 0-2
MCBDD works in partnership with Early Intervention Service Coordination to provide evaluation and early intervention services for infants and toddlers with possible delays. Through this system, we work together to provide early identification and family-centered services. Also, we plan for the present and future needs of your child. For assistance with referrals, call 1-800-755-GROW (4769).
Children from birth to age 2 years are considered eligible for services if there is documented evidence of delay from the evaluation team. Children may also be considered eligible if their physician provides documented evidence of a specific diagnosis (set list of diagnoses established by DODD).
Children must have their eligibility re-determined at age 3 to be considered for continued services.
Ages 3-5
Children ages 3 through 5 years are considered eligible for services if they have at least two documented delays. Children must have their eligibility redetermined at age 6 to be considered for continued services.
Eligibility (Ages 3 to 5) Information
Ages 6-15
Children ages 6-15 are assessed through the Children’s Ohio Eligibility Determination Instrument (COEDI). This process evaluates how the child functions in life skill areas such as self-care, language, learning, self-direction and mobility.
Children ages 6 through 15 years are considered eligible for services if they have a documented history of life-long disability and critical functional limitations in at least three areas on the COEDI. Children must have their eligibility redetermined at age 16 to be considered for continued services.
Eligibility (Ages 6 to 15) Information
Ages 16+
Persons age 16+ are assessed through the Ohio Eligibility Determination Instrument (OEDI). Much like the COEDI, this process evaluates how the individual functions in life areas including: self care, self-direction, language, learning, mobility, capacity for independent living, and economic self-sufficiency.
Persons 16 years of age or above are considered eligible for services if they have a documented history of life-long disability and significant functional limitations in at least three of seven areas on the OEDI.
The Next Step
Once all forms and information are completed and returned, you will be contacted to start the process for eligibility determination. Unless there are documented and justified delays in the process, a letter will be received within 45 days informing you of eligibility status. Please keep in mind that eligibility status may be reviewed at any time in all age categories, especially after a period of inactivity with our agency, or if a significant change in diagnoses, impairment or skill has occurred.
If an individual is determined eligible for services, they will be connected to a Service and Support Administrator (SSA) to create a customized service plan.
If an individual is deemed not eligible for services, you will be notified by letter along with information on how to appeal the decision. Our staff can also connect you with other community resources which may be available to you and your family.
Eligibility Office
Call: 330-725-7751, option 2