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The Medina County Board of DD is committed to developing new ways to help those who help people with developmental disabilities in Medina County. We know now more than ever for people with developmental disabilities to be successful, it requires investing in our system.

The MCBDD knows providers are working tirelessly to ensure basic health, safety, and service needs are being met. We want to help your efforts by offering you support. The following programs are currently offered for providers:

Current Program Offerings:


Community Experiences Program

The Medina County Board of DD is committed to working with local service providers to make sure people with developmental disabilities have opportunities to be included in community experiences in the most inclusive ways possible. We are offering a “Community Experiences Program” to increase community involvement and opportunities for people with developmental disabilities who want to enjoy and be a part of the activities in their community.


Community Experience Guidelines 

Community Experience Provider Agency Agreement form

Community Experience Independent Provider Agreement form

Community Experience Provider Agency Log (click to download)

Community Experience Independent Provider Agency Log (click to download)

W-9 form


NMT Transportation Program

The Medina County Board of DD is committed to working with local non-medical transportation providers to make sure people with developmental disabilities have their transportation needs met. We are offering a “Wheelchair and Off-Hours Employment Transportation Incentive Program” to increase transportation access and options for people with developmental disabilities who need transportation to and from a place of employment.


NMT Transportation Agreement form

DSP Employee Referral Program

The MCBDD offers and funds an Employee Referral Program to help local service provider agencies increase their DSP recruitment efforts.


Employee DSP Referral Agreement form


DSP Training Support Program

The MCBDD is offering a reimbursement program to help local agency service providers address costs associated with new DSP hire training.


DSP Workforce Support form (PDF)

DSP Workforce Support form (Excel)


Provider Success Coach Program

The Provider Success Coach Program is designed to support provider agencies from within their organization. The Provider Success Coach will help Direct Support Professionals and other direct care workers with assistance for issues outside of work that may be impacting their ability to work.



Provider Background Checks

All providers are required to submit a background check before offering services, and we want to make sure this process is as simple as possible. The Medina County Board of Developmental Disabilities is happy to offer background checks free of charge to independent and agency providers.



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